Tattoo Aftercare


  • Leave the tattoo wrapped for 2-4 hours. Remove wrap.

  • Wash tattoo thoroughly with unscented soap and warm water.

  • Pat dry using a CLEAN paper towel, and allow to air dry for 10 minutes.

  • Apply a thin layer of suggested ointment. Rub in completely as you would a lotion. If excess remains, pat with a clean paper towel.

  • Repeat this process 2-3 times daily as needed based on your daily activity.

  • After the 3rd day, switch to a white unscented lotion.


  • Pick/scratch/or excessively touch your new tattoo

  • Soak in any body of water for two weeks - This includes bathtubs, swimming pools, hot tubs, etc.

  • Expose to direct sunlight for extended periods of time.

  • Do not wear tight fitting clothing over the tattooed area. Wear loose clothing to avoid rubbing.

  • No sharing bedding with pets.

Healing tattoos will peel and flake, and small bits of colored skin may shed. THIS IS NORMAL. It may not look as crisp as it did the first few days and may appear “hazy”. THIS IS NORMAL. As your tattoo heals it will clear up. Swelling and bruising may also occur.

Remember that everyone heals differently. Some will heal faster than others.
If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us:
(480) 539-4280